About the Linux Beginner Course for Zorin OS

Many Linux-oriented websites are too technical to be of any interest for novice users and that scares off a potentially large group of new people to take the step to Linux. And that is a pity because Linux is a really great platform. To help others to use Linux in a productive way without making things too complicated and technical, not so long ago I finished writing my Linux Mint for beginners course. This free course tries in an easy way to bring Linux to beginning users and to those who think about switching to Linux.

I chose to use the Linux Mint Cinnamon distribution as the foundation for that beginner course. The reason was that the Linux Mint distribution is very close to the Windows 7 user experience and many important and useful functionalities are already available out-of-the-box. This makes it easier for beginners to make the switch than with many other distributions. But in my own daily expedition in the world of Linux I found that there are a number of other easily accessible and friendly Linux distributions that could appeal to former macOS users as well as Windows users.

One of these distributions is Zorin OS. I really lost my heart to this distribution because it looks great, can be set up via simple adjustments to appeal both Windows and macOS users, a lot of robust functionality is already present and many user-friendly functionalities make this distribution rise above others. I am very enthusiastic about Zorin OS so I really want to share my enthusiasm with others. That is why I have decided to start writing a beginners course for Zorin OS.

About the course

You have heard of Linux and would like to do something more with this system now? Or are you just curious and are you trying to broaden your knowledge? Or your computer is so terribly slow, but you do not want to buy a new computer again and you’ve heard that with Linux that is probably not necessary at all? If these questions are related to you, then you are here at the right address.

Through almost 30 (still to be written) simple to understand chapters, I want to offer a simple starters guide to start with Linux based on the beautiful, accessible, stable and adaptable Linux distribution Zorin OS. Zorin OS has specific features that with the right settings will appeal to both former Windows users and macOS users. In an accessible way the course guides you through among others the principles of Linux, finding and downloading a linux distribution, creating a live medium, finding software up to the installation of software and executing updates.

Go to the Zorin OS course chapters >>

See you soon!

About John Been

Hi there! My name is John Been. At the moment I work as a senior solution engineer for a large financial institution, but in my free time, I am the owner of RealAppUser.com, RealLinuxUser.com, and author of my first book "Linux for the rest of us". I have a broad insight and user experience in everything related to information technology and I believe I can communicate about it with some fun and knowledge and skills.

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