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Simple explanation of the Linux file structure

Even though the current Linux “Operating System”, due to the availability of various user-friendly Desktop Environments, such as KDE Plasma, Cinnamon and Gnome, is very accessible and usable for the novice Linux user, there will soon be a moment that you will come into contact with the Linux file structure. And then it is useful if you at least know what happens in the different system folders. In this article a simple explanation of the Linux file system. I will give a brief description of most folders in the standard structure of the Linux File System. In future blog posts I will dive a bit deeper into the meaning of some of the individual folders and their content.

Start from the root

We start with the actual root (do not confuse with the folder “root”), which is indicated with “/”, or the forward slash. This is the starting point for the Linux folder structure, where everything is hung up. For example within Linux Mint you can open this folder layer by clicking on “File System” and within Zorin OS you can open this folder layer by moving to “Other Locations/Computer” in the file manager.

It is important to know that only the root user has write permission in this folder. For example, it is not possible as a normal user to create a new folder under “/”. To do this, you first have to choose “Open as root” and enter the password of the root before you can create a folder or save a file here.

The Linux file structure

Hopefully the above explanation is giving a kind of an insight in the Linux file structure. In future posts some of these folders will be discussed a bit more in depth.


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